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Andreas Plückthun, Department of Biochemistry, UZH

Amedeo Caflisch and Milan Vasak, Department of Biochemistry, UZH

Markus Grütter, prev. Department of Biochemistry, UZH (yes, crystallographers and NMR spectroscopists can work together productively!)

Peter Hamm, Department of  Chemistry, UZH

Eva Freisinger, Department of  Chemistry, UZH

Alex Sartori, Cancer Research Institute, UZH

Martin Baumgartner, Oncology Department at Children's Hospital, UZH

Fred Naider, CUNY College of Staten Island, New York

Jeff Becker, University of Tennessee, on the Ste2p GPCR project

Peter Güntert, University of Frankfurt/ETH Zürich, who always supports us on computational aspects of NMR

Reinhard Dallinger, University of Innsbruck, ongoing joint efforts on the metallothionein project

The late Siliva Atrian, University of Barcelona

Merce Capdevila,  Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Luca Varani, IRB in Bellinzona, on antibody-related research
Dan Scott, Florey Institute in Melbourne, provided stabilized GPCRs

Daniel Häussinger, University of Basel, on the use of spin-labels for measuring pseudo-contact shifts

Coworkers of the company Polyphor (now Spexis) on the thanatin antibiotics project


Previous Collaborations: 

John Robinson, Department of  Chemistry, UZH (retired)

Jürgen Scherkenbeck (Wuppertal) on insect hormones

Knud Jensen from Copenhagen on neuropeptides

Jörg Kleinschmidt from Konstanz on beta-barrel proteins

Marina Rubini from Konstanz on the incorporation of unnnatural amino acids into proteins

Hans-Robert Kalbitzer (Regensburg) on high pressure studies

Ismael Mingarro (Alicante) on topological studies of GPCR fragments.

Gerd Folkers (prev. ETH) together with Annette Beck-Sickinger (Leipzig) on the NPY project

Hans-Peter Merkle (prev. ETH) on projects concerning delivery of drugs


I had the opportunity to work in the distinguished lab of Nobel Laureate Kurt Wüthrich, and support on the spectroscopic part from Gerhard Wider is deeply acknowledged.


I am sure I forgot to name a few, I apologize...


I would also like to acknowledge fruitful discussions with members of industry: Marcel Blommers (Saverna), Wolfgang Jahnke (Novartis), Cesar Fernandez (Novartis) and Alvar Gossert (ETHZ, previously at Novartis) as well as with Hans Senn, Alfred Ross and Werner Klaus from Hoffman LaRoche.

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